официальный сайт конференции
Prof. Stanislaw L. Randzio (Charman Institute of Rhysical Chemistry Polish Academy of Science) -
e-mail: randzio@ichf.edu.pl или info@icct2008.org
Рабочий язык конференции:
1 Molecular simulations of fluids and statistical thermodynamics
2 Phase equilibria, supercritical fluids and separation techniques
3 Electrolyte solutions and non-electrolyte mixtures including reactive chemical systems
4 Thermodynamics and properties in the biological, medical, pharmaceutical, agricultural and food sectors
5 Nano-systems, nano-devices and advanced new materials
6 Thermochemistry, calorimetry and molecular energetics
7 Properties of ionic liquids and their application in chemical engineering
8 Surface and colloid chemistry
9 Industrial thermodynamics and databases
Семинары (workshops):
1 Thermodynamic frontiers and education
2 Modulated and oscillation temperature techniques
3 Environmental thermodynamics
Организационный взнос:
пока неизвестно